The operating business of Selectrona GmbH and Selectrona s.r.o. is taken over by MATEtronix GmbH & Co. KG and MATEtronix s.r.o.
Major investment in a new Kaiser press
Delivery of the major investment of four new injection molding machines (type 520, 570, 630 and 720) from Arburg
Major investment in a new milling centre at the Reinholdshain site
Investments in, among other things, an EDM machine and a milling machine, as well as in the IT area.
Termination of the insolvency plan proceedings
Takeover by Walter Söhner Technologie Beratung GmbH as an experienced strategic investor
Successful completion of the restructuring
Insolvency and initiation of insolvency plan proceedings in self-administration certification according to IATF16949
“Exemplary training company” award from the Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK)
“Excellent training company” title awarded by the Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK)
Visit of the Saxon Prime Minister Stanislaw Tillich
Start of the Selectrona living community in Schlottwitz for ten trainees and students.
Commissioning of a solar carport with ten charging stations for electric vehicles at the Reinholdshain site
Certification according to DIN 50001
Change of name of Steffen Söhner GmbH to Selectrona GmbH
Foundation of Selectrona s.r.o. in Košt'any, Czech Republic
“Große SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT-Preis” awarded by the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Sachsen (Saxony State Association for School Economy)
Overcoming the global economic crisis with record turnover
Company spun off from the Söhnergroup
Expansion of the production area in Reinholdshain
Start of production of highly complex components including electronic assembly in Reinholdshain
Construction of the new production hall with ESD area in Reinholdshain
Certification according to ISO/TS 16949
Visit by the Prime Minister of Saxony, Professor Georg Milbradt
Flood disaster destroys the Glashütte plant as well as large parts of the Schlottwitz site
Reconstruction of the company in Schlottwitz Reconstruction of the toolmaking & stamping technology divisions in Reinholdshain
Inauguration of a plant in Glashütte
Development of the stamping technology
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 14001
Visit by the German President, Johannes Rau
Visit by the German President, Johannes Rau
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001
Start of apprenticeship training
Foundation of Steffen Söhner GmbH as a subsidiary of the Söhnergroup in Glashütte-Schlottwitz with toolmaking & injection moulding production