Als mittelständische, international tätige Fertigungsunternehmen mit Produktionsstandorten in Deutschland bzw. Tschechien sind sich die MATEtronix GmbH & Co. KG und die MATEtronix s.r.o. ihrer Verantwortung für die Einhaltung geltender nationaler und internationaler Regelungen und Normen bewusst und handeln daher in ihrer Unternehmenspolitik nach festen unternehmensethischen Grundsätzen.

Gegründet 1992 bzw. 2013, haben sich die MATEtronix GmbH & Co. KG sowie die MATEtronix s.r.o. zu innovativen, auf die Entwicklung und Herstellung von Hybrid-Baugruppen aus kunststoffumspritzten Metallkomponenten spezialisierten Hightech-Zulieferern entwickelt. Dank ihrer ausgezeichneten fachlichen und technischen Ressourcen, strikter Ausrichtung auf die hohen Qualitätsansprüche ihrer Kunden sowie einer soliden finanziellen Basis sind beide Unternehmen seit vielen Jahren für namhafte Hersteller im Automotiv-Bereich und weiterer Branchen tätig.

MATEtronix GmbH & Co. KG sowie die MATEtronix s.r.o. haben sich zum vorliegenden Werte-Kodex selbstverpflichtet, er ist für alle Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte verbindlich und dient als Leitfaden für den ehrlichen, fairen und sicheren Umgang mit Geschäftspartnern, Kollegen und sonstigen Stakeholdern sowie der Öffentlichkeit. Jeder Mitarbeiter ist bestrebt, mit seinem Verhalten und Handeln dazu beizutragen, dass die Unternehmen der beschriebenen Verantwortung gerecht werden und dass die positiven Erwartungen, die Kunden, Partner und Öffentlichkeit an die MATEtronix GmbH & Co. KG sowie die MATEtronix s.r.o. stellen, erfüllt werden.

Moreover, both companies expect the same ethical behaviour from their business partners.


Our corporate principles

  • We respect and defend human dignity. We explicitly affirm our commitment to upholding human rights within our sphere of influence and will not engage in any form of human rights violations either directly or indirectly. We encourage tolerance, fairness and equal opportunities in our working environment and oppose all forms of discrimination.
  • We are committed to value-oriented and law-abiding corporate governance. As internationally active companies, we act in accordance with
  • the applicable national laws and regulations,
  • other regulations applicable to us, such as company agreements,
  • legally binding specifications and restrictions on export control or export restriction, as well as
  • the legal and ethical characteristics, regulations and principles of the countries in which we do business.
  • We encourage a values-based and solution-oriented leadership and error culture, characterised by mutual respect, objectivity and fairness. Our managers are required to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner and to confront unacceptable behaviour - also preventively.
  • The occupational health and safety of our employees is a top priority. Therefore, we continuously identify and assess the accident and health risks and implement the appropriate, preventive organisational and technical measures.
  • We are committed to acting responsibly towards the environment and biodiversity, and to working in a sustainable way that conserves resources. We pay attention to the respective national and international environmental obligations and comply with the relevant environmental and energy management standards. The responsibility for protecting our environment is shared by management and all employees.

Our goal is to minimise the negative impact of our business activities on the environment. We therefore take measures to minimise the environmental impact with regard to air and noise emissions, waste disposal and avoidance, water consumption and wastewater disposal, and soil protection.

  • We strive for continuous improvement in our energy performance. This includes a reduction in specific energy consumption, the economical use of energy in line with the necessities, and taking renewable energy sources into account.
  • The application of and compliance with our corporate policy and ethical principles are also regularly monitored through reviews and audits, so that progress, improvement potential as well as weaknesses in our integrated management system are quickly identified and documented. 


1.   Arbeitsbedingungen

Respect for human rights

Respect for human rights is a matter of course for us. We also expect all our partners to treat everyone with respect and fairness and to respect human rights within their sphere of influence.

No forced and child labour

We strictly oppose any form of forced and child labour as well as the exploitation of children and adolescents - including at our partners.


We oppose any form of discrimination and respect the privacy of our employees and partners. We are committed to equal opportunities and make all employment decisions - such as recruitment, promotion, further training measures - solely on the basis of the skills and abilities as well as the qualifications and professional competence of the person concerned. Aspects such as ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender or sexual identity, age, disabilities, social background, personal relationships or trade union membership have no influence on personnel decisions.

Fair working conditions

We are vigilant about fair working conditions for all employees at each of our operating sites. This includes compliance with the currently valid regulations for working hours as well as remuneration which is based at least on the respective statutory minimum wages or applicable collective wage agreements.

Employee engagement and workers' rights

Positive corporate growth is based on the active participation of all employees. In a continuous improvement process – in dialogue with employees and their representatives – the defined business processes are therefore regularly redefined and adapted to changing requirements.

We respect and promote the right of our employees to actively participate in representative bodies in the workplace that come within the respective provisions of law. They are not subject to any disadvantages as a result of being a member of a trade union. We work together with the employee representatives in a trusting and pertinent manner.

Volunteering and social engagement

Ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten sind eine wichtige Stütze unserer Gesellschaft. Wir unterstützen deshalb – im Rahmen unserer Möglichkeiten – ehrenamtliches Engagement unserer Beschäftigten, vorausgesetzt es entspricht rechtsstaatlichen Grundsätzen und ist mit dem wirtschaftlichen Betrieb der MATEtronix GmbH & Co. KG vereinbar.

We work constructively with representatives from politics, authorities and the media and thus face the social tasks together.


2.   Qualitätspolitik

Target: Zero defects for delivery quality

We are aware of the high level of responsibility required for product safety throughout the entire life cycle and therefore aim for zero defects for delivery quality.

We adhere to the applicable international standards and norms as well as the specifications of our customers for all development work, tests and manufacturing processes.

Process and product quality

These high quality standards apply not only to the end product, but to all procedures and processes. Quality monitoring during production, both by means of integrated, optical, mechanical and electrical measuring techniques and by means of systematic individual tests, serves to ensure seamless process and product quality and to guarantee excellent process stability.

Continuous improvement

The experience of our employees is channelled into the continuous improvement of production processes, test methods and the entire work organisation. Thanks to our holistic management system, the planning, implementing, checking and documenting of quality standards are integrated into every single work process in all departments.

Promotion of quality awareness

There is a permanent, close exchange of information across departments. Our managers bear special responsibility in doing so by constantly promoting the idea of quality. All employees are encouraged to understand quality awareness as part of their daily work. We promote this through extensive training and further education as well as targeted internal communication.

Quality management system

Regular internal reviews as well as external audits serve to continuously develop our management system. By means of certifications and other conformity assessments, we ensure that we meet the current regulations and standards for companies in general and for our target markets in particular at a high level.

3.   Umweltpolitik

As a manufacturing company with regional roots, we acknowledge our special responsibility for preserving the natural foundations of life for present and future generations.

Market criterion environmental protection

We are certain that the careful use of natural resources, the public assets of water, air, soil as well as flora and fauna must be carried out with market-based instruments. We are convinced that this will not put us at a competitive disadvantage, but that our commitment will be supported by the market.

Environmental management system

We operate an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 in order to monitor and thereby ultimately ensure compliance with the binding obligations, as well as to systematically identify and develop potential for improvement.

Our ISO14001 certified environmental auditor monitors environmentally relevant processes for effectiveness and promotes the continuous development of the environmental management system.

Reduction of the ecological footprint

Our corporate decisions take into account environmentally relevant aspects. In doing so, we attach particular importance to keeping the impact of our activities on the environment, resource consumption, climate and biodiversity as low as economically possible and to significantly reducing environmental risks.

We are therefore continuously optimising processes, technologies and equipment in terms of their environmental compatibility, material and energy efficiency, or replacing them with new, innovative technical solutions.

The focus of our efforts is on

  • economical use of resources,
  • the avoidance of waste, proper recycling and disposal,
  • a responsible and economical use of chemicals,
  • maintaining clean air and soil,
  • the preservation of water quality and economical consumption, and
  • the reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Hazardous substances

Before first use, we check whether these chemicals and other substances pose a risk if they enter the environment. From this, we draw up binding specifications to ensure that handling, transport, storage, use, reuse, recycling and disposal are carried out very safely.

Where possible, we make suggestions to our customers for more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Prohibited product ingredients

We comply with all nationally and internationally applicable laws, regulations and customer specifications concerning the prohibition and/or restricted use of ingredients.


The management and each individual employee are jointly responsible for complying with the rules on environmental protection, whereby managers have a special responsibility and exemplary function.

Communication and transparency

With practical suggestions and information, we promote responsible, environmentally conscious action. For example, in the form of the internal environmental report, which is produced annually and can be viewed at any time by all employees with a PC workstation on the freely accessible drive. All employees without a computer account will be given the report at any time upon request.

In addition, our environmental protection measures are credible and verifiable thanks to open communication at all corporate levels, appropriate information for our customers and the interested public, and a cooperative approach with the authorities.


4.   Energiepolitik

The reduction of energy consumption and the partial switch to renewable energies are important elements of our environmental and climate protection.

Energy management system

We operate a structured energy management system. Our interdisciplinary energy management team identifies savings and optimisation potential, determines consumption drivers and implements or manages defined measures and projects.

Continuous improvement

Under the leadership of the energy management officer, all energy consumption is continuously recorded and evaluated. The processes in energy management are regularly reviewed in internal audits. On this basis, the management controls the suitability, appropriateness and effectiveness of our energy management system.


We are committed to:

  • objectively and regularly determining and evaluating the efficiency of energy-relevant processes on the basis of measurable parameters.
  • generating or strengthening the awareness of our employees and partners for a sustainable, responsible energy policy.
  • providing employees, authorities and partners with energy-relevant information as needed.
  • providing the resources necessary to achieve the strategic and operational goals of our energy policy.
  • considering their energy efficiency as a decision-making criterion when procuring products, equipment or services.
  • supporting design-related activities on machinery and equipment that lead to the improvement of energy-related performance.

Investment and training

We are also committed to both reducing our specific energy consumption by improving the energy efficiency of technological processes and consistently avoiding energy waste. To this end, we invest in suitable technology and instruct our employees on energy consumption-related topics.

In addition, we are concentrating on exploring various approaches aimed at replacing fossil fuels as part of our technical, local and economic circumstances.


A smooth-running organisation, advanced management methods and state-of-the-art technology provide the necessary framework for our sustainable energy policy. Our managers are required to shape and implement this energy policy in their area of responsibility.

5.   Gesundheit und Sicherheit

It is our key concern to offer our employees a healthy and safe working environment.

Occupational safety and health care

We ensure health and safety in the workplace by complying with the applicable national legal provisions and internal work instructions. We take appropriate measures to prevent health hazards and accidents in advance. We practice active preventive health care, for example in the form of regular, voluntary health checks by our company doctors.

The occupational health and safety regulations are binding for every employee. Regular training sessions are held for this purpose.

Control and continuous improvement

Managers are responsible for regularly checking compliance with safety regulations and, if necessary, initiating appropriate measures in consultation with the respective occupational safety engineer and the management.

The respective occupational safety engineer checks compliance with the safety regulations within the scope of regular inspections. The goal is to design the working conditions of the employees in such a way that their needs concerning occupational health and safety are met and to continuously improve them. The monthly analysis of accident statistics, including near-accidents, as well as an intensive exchange of information between the human resources department and managers and employees also assist with this.

Emergency Preparedness

We identify and assess potential emergency and hazardous situations preventively and take measures in the form of emergency plans and reporting procedures to limit the impact of emergencies effectively, immediately and comprehensively.

6.   Geschäftsethik

Corruption and bribery

We oppose any kind of unfair competition and corruption, including bribery and extortion of both our employees and our business partners. We undertake neither to accept gifts or gratuities nor to grant them in order to gain an unlawful advantage.

Conflicts of interest

Wir erwarten von allen Mitarbeitern, dass sie zum Wohl und im Interesse von MATEtronix handeln. Private Interessen und persönliche Erwägungen dürfen keine Geschäftsentscheidungen beeinflussen. Geschäftliche und private Aktivitäten sind zu trennen.

As a company, we strive to avoid any activity or situation that may result in a conflict between the private interests of our employees and our business interests.

Fair competition

We are committed to fair and open competition in compliance with the applicable competition and antitrust laws. Violations of antitrust law contradict our understanding of free and fair competition. Our business relationships are based exclusively on factual, corporate strategic, and economic criteria.

Money laundering

In all our business activities, we strictly ensure that we comply with all legal regulations relating to combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

We expect our business partners to comply with all applicable anti-money laundering laws and not to engage in any money laundering activities.

If we become aware of unusual financial transactions or behaviour that may indicate money laundering or other illegal activity, we will share our information with the relevant authorities.

Supply chains

We ensure transparency in our supply chains and strictly comply with the applicable legal requirements regarding the procurement of supplies and services from conflict and high-risk areas.

We expect our business partners to do their due diligence as well and to support traceability throughout their supply chains for all materials and components. Our suppliers should take measures to ensure, to the best of their knowledge and belief, that their business relationships with third parties do not serve to finance or support armed groups guilty of serious human rights violations or war crimes.

Intellectual property

We protect the intellectual property of employees, customers and other partners through appropriate technical and organisational measures.

Data protection, data security and confidentiality

The collection, processing and use of personal data are carried out, without exception, in accordance with the legal requirements and regulations and only to the extent absolutely necessary.

We use all suitable and appropriate technical and organisational means available to us to protect personal data as well as confidential and secret corporate data – including that of our business partners – against unauthorised access, misuse, loss or premature destruction.

Every employee is obliged to treat sensitive information, know-how and business and trade secrets that have come to his or her knowledge as confidential at all times, irrespective of whether they have come to his or her knowledge in a private or professional context.

MATEtronix GmbH & Co. KG sowie die MATEtronix s.r.o.